Important Deadlines

for Payment


Abstract preparation and submission guidelines

Lectures duration

The duration of the invited lecture is 45 minutes with an additional 15 minutes for discussion and the duration of the oral presentation is 15 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for discussion, if not stated otherwise in the Programme. In a student’s section, time of the presentation is 10 minutes with 5 minutes for discussion.

Abstract submission

After finishing your abstract, please, send us ( your file as a Microsoft Word document *.docx. We will confirm your abstract submission up to 10 days via email.

Abstract preparation

For the abstract submission, please, use the Abstract template.

The template includes all detailed instructions for preparing abstracts. All papers must be prepared to abide by these guidelines. Well-prepared abstracts will enable us to rapidly prepare the final version of the conference proceedings. Max. length of the abstract is 4 pages.

Poster preparation

Posters should be prepared as 120 × 100 cm (h × w) max and displayed before the start of the poster section. Mounting material will be provided on-site by the organizers. Presenters are kindly requested to be present during the session.

Technical support and presentation preparation

Prepare your presentation as a .pptx or .pdf file in a standard (4:3) aspect ratio.

Technical support will be available on-site to assist you.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, contact us via

Dean's award for the best student presentation

Dean of the Faculty of Science of P. J. Šafárik University will award the best presentation presented by the student during the special programme section at the NFA 2025. 10 student’s abstracts will be selected by the organizers. Indicate “NFA2025 student award” in the email subject when submitting your abstract to participate.